How to stop herding cats and start getting the most from your team.
There’s no doubt about it – the success of your project hinges on the performance of your team.
If your team members aren’t performing at their peak, your project won’t be as successful as you want it to be.
The good news? There are some simple things you can do to turn a team of low performers into a group of stars who put their best foot forward.
Let’s dive into my tips for tapping into your team’s true potential.
Tip One: Create a safe environment
This is critical for creating a high performing team, because people can’t give their best if they’re on guard with everything they say or do.
You want your team to feel like they can be open and honest. That way they’ll share ideas freely, collaborate well on resolving issues, and be comfortable working together on solving tough problems.
When they know you have their back, your team members will feel comfortable enough to share honest answers and to give you their all.
Tip Two: Roles and goals
For your team to be self-sufficient, collaborative, and high-performing, they need to be very clear about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.
To achieve this you need to get clear about the project roles and goals. Your team needs to know what they’re responsible for, what they’re supposed to be achieving, and what the overall project goals are.
4 more tips for building high-performing project teams
Head over to my YouTube channel to watch the video I just posted. In it I share four more tips for getting the most from your team.
If you want even more tips for project managers on how to successfully manage your projects, make sure you check out my SLAY Project Management course. It has all the templates, tips, and techniques you need to implement to make your future projects productive and successful.
Adriana Girdler, PMP | Creator of Slay Project Management™