Want to TRANSFORM your career? I have something for you…
Imagine this:
It’s mid-year, and you’re reflecting on the year so far.
Every single project was successful: on time, within scope, and on budget.
But not only that… You actually connected with your project teams and experienced impeccable communication like never before.
You spent less time begging your team to stick to deadlines and tasks, and instead were able to see how motivated and excited they were for each project.
Your project plans were accurate and realistic. So, you treat yourself to your favorite meal, impressed at how well you were able to plan for every project.
You actually ENJOYED leading those projects and didn’t feel like you were just fighting fires the whole time.
And on top of that, you’re feeling confident about the projects that are still on-the-go without too much stress about it.
Wouldn’t that be a perfect world?!
This is every project manager’s goal. You get eager and excited about the aspects of project management you DO enjoy, but really could do without the firefighting, conflict, and stress of it all.
Project management is hard work, and I can’t promise you’ll ever have an ABSOLUTELY perfect or stress-free project. Risks come with EVERY project, and that’s why every project needs a great project manager like you or me.
But one thing I can tell you is that by this time next year, I really believe you’ll be HUGE steps ahead of where you are right now because of the work you’re putting in to become a better project manager, and you’ll have a LOT of successes to celebrate.
But in order for that to be true, you have to put in the work of learning and continuously improving.
I spent 20+ YEARS learning how to be a great project manager. Experience is extremely valuable, but I can say with certainty that I wish I’d had the opportunity to learn directly from someone who had all that experience, because I know there are certain things I would have learned so much faster.
That’s the reason why I created my online course SLAY Project Management… because I want to give you the opportunity to learn from my experience, so that you can become the best project manager possible as FAST as possible… Yep, even by the end of theyear!
This is the perfect time to invest in your career. So, I’ll see you inside the SLAY Project Management course, right?
Cheers to new beginnings!