Put money back in your pocket by being Lean
Every day we have stuff we need to get done. Some days our to-do list reads like a laundry list. The more we get done it seems like the more we have to do. To combat this we try to be more efficient and productive by multitasking. This is a big mistake. Multitasking doesn’t work. We hear it over and over and the stats don’t lie. In fact, it’s only a small percentage (2%) that can actually do it. The rest of us 98% can’t and when we do, we actually are lessening our productivity without even realizing it. This is costing us increased stress as individuals and translates to profit loss for companies. So what do you do? Time to think differently in order to truly be productive.
As an efficiency expert, I’m constantly being asked to improve people, departments and organizations ways of working. I have many approaches I can use at my finger-tips like Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints, Total Quality Management, to name but a few, but my go to is Lean. I find this approach simple, yet so effective. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. Anyone can use this method and be successful.
What is Lean?
To sum it up, Lean is a systematic method for eliminating waste within a process by doing more with less. There is more to it than just that one sentence. To learn more, check out my article Lean Mean Thinking Machine.
Why you need Lean?
It’s simple in approach and everyone can do it. The tools and techniques address the low hanging fruit of productivity improvements and results can be quick. All of this leads to successful sustainment. If you can master Lean, then you can master anything. So if you have to improve your productivity or improve productivity habits at work don’t look any further and embrace Lean as your method of improvement. It truly works!