Everything you need to know about identifying stakeholders
Identifying stakeholders on your project is extremely important. But what are the steps for doing this?
You need to know how to identify project stakeholders so that you can proceed on the other important aspects of your project. So, let’s talk about it.
Who are project stakeholders?
Project stakeholders are any individuals who have some sort of influence on the project, whether that’s a direct or an indirect influence.
There are two types of project stakeholders: internal and external.
Examples of internal stakeholders include people like the sponsor, Steering Committee, senior executives who have a vested interest, and even project team members.
Some external stakeholders could be external customers that you’re delivering to or suppliers that you’re bringing into the project.
Essentially, anyone who touches the project in some way is considered a stakeholder, whether they’re involved in a detailed way or even just from a guidance perspective.
Check your documents
Now that you know who to be looking for, how do you find out for sure who your project stakeholders are?
Look at your project documents. Your charter, for example, is a wealth of information when it comes to finding out about your internal stakeholders.
Other ideas for identifying stakeholders
If you still have questions about this or want some more information, head over to YouTube with me to watch my video on how to identify stakeholders. It’ll only take you a few minutes, but it’s packed full of information on exactly where to start and what to do when it comes to identifying your project stakeholders.
If you want to go above and beyond to make your project management career successful, take a look at my SLAY Project Management course where I give you all the templates, tips, and techniques to implement to make every project successful.