Changing workplace culture
I love the amusement park. The adrenaline rush from the roller coaster ride is great! But at the end of the day it is nice to leave the park and relax in a steady state of peace…with two feet firmly planted on the ground. I can’t imagine living my life like a roller coaster Constantly up and down, being whipped around and having no control of what happens. So why are we constantly on a roller coaster ride at work? Things are constantly up and down with deadlines and projects. We are being whipped around with multiple priorities, that all happen to be number one!
So what can you do when this is the culture at your work place?
Acknowledging you have a problem and you want things to change is the first step to fixing it!
Bring a group of people together who acknowledge that this is a problem. Particularly those with the power to change. There is power in numbers when challenging status quo.
Third…Think data!
You will need to collect data on how the roller coaster ride is impacting overall productivity, workplace efficiency, quality to the product or service and employee satisfaction. All of this impacts the bottom line.
Fourth…Collaborate solutions
With your team, come up with a solution to counteract the problem(s) that is causing the roller coaster ride by using tools to eliminate waste in the system and create a realistic plan that will help you achieve your goals.
Fifth…Plan approval
Present you solution to the Senior Leadership Team. If the Senior Leaders do not know or believe there is a problem then nothing will change and you will stay on the roller coaster ride. Senior executives need concrete data and solutions when making major decisions for the organization. Coming into a meeting unprepared and saying “I think we have a problem” will get you nowhere. Saying “We have a problem and I have prepared a business case on the opportunity that will resolve it and help the company save money” will get the Senior Leadership Team’s attention.
Sixth…Sustain or try again
If all goes well and the change has been accepted and budget approved to stop the roller coaster ride…congratulations. Now you need to monitor the solutions to ensure they are the right ones and change them immediately if they are not.
If you presented your plan and it has not been accepted, don’t be discouraged. Some of our greatest accomplishments in life, like getting to the moon, did not happen on the first try. Believe in what you are doing, tweak the plan and try again!
Change can happen if you are properly prepared. Follow these six steps and you will be on your way to getting off the roller coaster ride at work!
Does inefficiency effect your work productivity? Feel free to leave a comment below or shout out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Of course, you could always write your own blog post on the subject and share it with us… We’d love to read it!