Are you a good project manager, or are there skills you need to work on? Find out here!
Have you ever wondered what project manager characteristics makes a good project manager versus a bad one?
Let’s talk about some characteristics that you can analyze in yourself or any project manager to see where they’re at!
Good Characteristic #1: Continuous Improvement
This is so important because as you progress in your project management journey, you do not want to repeat the same mistakes over and over again!
Instead, it’s important to always be learning from past projects so that you’re not making the same mistakes repeatedly but expecting a different result.
Bad Characteristic #1: Poor Time Management
If you’re not good with time management, this is definitely a skill you’ll want to focus on improving because being a successful project manager is all about managing time and learning how to plan it out.
Good characteristic #2: Integrity and Trustworthiness
As a project manager, you’re in charge of ensuring that your team has everything they need at their fingertips to successfully execute their tasks.
When your team is successful, the project is successful. And when the project is successful, you’re successful! But you can’t be successful without your team.
Now, how does this relate to integrity and trustworthiness?
Playing games really gets you nowhere. It’s important as a project manager to have integrity with your team members, be clear about what you expect, be honest and transparent. Don’t hide it when things aren’t going well, and don’t point fingers.
Other bad and good characteristics
These aren’t the only characteristics you need to pay attention to. Whether you’re a project manager looking to improve, or a team member on a project looking to find out what you ought to expect from your project manager, it’s important that you learn more about this.
I created a YouTube video that goes more in-depth on all these project manager characteristics. So, head over to YouTube with me and let’s keep chatting about it there.
Meanwhile, if you really are committed to mastering your next project, do consider taking my SLAY Project Management online course where I show you step-by-step how to successfully manage a project, plus you get access to every template you will need, along with detailed video instructions on how to fill them out.