Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
Ok, it’s been a while since I last blogged. I have been focusing on executing my client’s projects. But just a few days ago the CSD team and I were trained on Tweeting 101. Yes, I am finally tweeting (@AdrianaGirdler) and guess what? I like it. It’s pretty cool that I can reach out to so many people, across the globe, in only 140 characters! So why am I blogging about this? It isn’t new. But for us who didn’t grow up with this stuff, it is new, foreign and ohhh, sometimes scary and overwhelming.
At first I thought, how am I going to fit this in into my day? I am already busy and now I should tweet? Daily…Come on!
But like all change, it’s how you look at it. I choose not to fear it. I choose to embrace and see what comes from it. I jumped in with two feet. Guess what? I was a bit shaky at first. What the heck is a hashtag? How and when do I tweet? You want my… what…handle?
So, why am I bringing this all up in my efficiency blog? Because anything new, which requires us to change our habits and/or routine, causes stress and anxiety. It’s important for change agents and/or teachers to be patient and understand the fundaments of change when implementing new programs. For those whose world isn’t change, it isn’t that bad once you understand the why, the how and practice it.
Embracing change is a two way street. If both sides give a little and are open to new thoughts and ideas, it’s amazing how much more productive we could be! So the next time you are asked to do something new, don’t roll your eyes, mutter or run away. Embrace the change and see what the possibilities will bring.
How do you manage to keep your social media channels up-to-date? Feel free to leave a comment below or shout out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Of course, you could always write your own blog post on the subject and share it with us… We’d love to read it!
I liked your quick words of wisdom. Embracing change and seeing where it leads is a great reminder to overcome resistance. Thanks for the good read and the jolt of inspiration!