How to encourage a positive group dynamic
According to Queen’s University of Charlotte, nearly 3 in 4 employers rate teamwork and collaboration as ‘very important’. With such a high importance given to teamwork, it’s important to encourage a positive group dynamic to make these team’s as effective as possible. When people interact within the group in a positive manner, the group will work well together with a high rate of effectiveness.
Bad group dynamics can undermine the success of the team, create a negative work environment, and decrease morale. Here are some strategies we found that encourage a positive team dynamic:
5 Ways to Build an Extraordinary Team Culture
This article by Peter Economy looks at five steps for building an extraordinary team culture:
- Create a team-oriented organization – Peter Economy says it’s important to make teamwork one of the company’s core values, along with an emphasis on self-managed teams that can make their own decisions.
- Assign serious team goals – By forming teams to tackle important projects, not just a company picnic, is a positive way to keep the company ‘fresh and ahead of the game’. Also, encourage the team to come up with innovative solutions.
- Encourage informal teams – Economy reports that informal teams are more effective at getting work done than formal. Informal teams should therefore be encouraged.
- Cross-train employees – An understanding of other departments allows employees to make better decisions for the company. With this in mind, give employees the opportunity to learn other people’s jobs.
- Provide team resources – This includes a proper meeting space (not a busy lunchroom), as well as an adequate budget.
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Five Ways to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace
According to the Houston Chronicle, improving teamwork in the workplace is essential to avoid the difficulties that groups may encounter. They suggest the following ideas:
- Implement recognition programs – Provide rewards such as praise and small tokens of appreciation, based on positive performance.
- Encourage social activities – A little fun can go a long way. When team members know each other, they’re more comfortable and more willing to discuss controversial issues.
- Outline clear roles – To move towards one direction, people need to clearly understand the destination and their role in getting there. Be sure to outline each team member’s skill set, the project deadline, and responsibilities. .
- Identify existing problems – Feedback should be collected to identify potential problems. And any problems that do arise should be handled immediately. “Encourage group members to discuss issues collectively instead of letting the problem fester and grow larger.”
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Positive teamwork requires clear team objectives and group collaboration towards a common goal. Use these tips to steer your team down a path of positivity. Provide relevant feedback when required.