How to create a vision statement that will walk you down the path meant for you!
If you’ve been connected with me on here for a while, you’ve probably heard me say before how much I believe in the power of a personal vision statement. Last week, as my way of giving back during COVID, I gave you the opportunity to walk through my Value of Vision Personal Edition workbook for free so you could get started on creating your own personal vision statement.
Well, that was just the first half of a two-part series of walking through the workbook, and today, I’m giving you PART TWO so you can finish creating your personal vision statement!
We’re even going to take it one step further to make your vision statement more impactful by turning it into a VISUAL vision statement. Visuals resonate with us on a deeper level and make your vision statement that much more personal to you.
I can’t wait to walk you through the rest of the workbook. I hope this finds you well and opens the door to increased motivation and clarity for you on your life journey, wherever you are.
And what better time to do it than now? Most of us no longer have commute times, social gatherings, activities to take the kids to, etcetera… so, you’ve probably got some time on your hands that you want to use productively. Well, there is nothing more productive than creating a visual vision that will help guide you for the rest of your life.
Let’s get started!
Just like last week, you’ll need a pen and some paper for this video – I’ll be giving you the chance to pause it to reflect, think, and complete the exercises that will set you on the right path: YOUR path. Head on over to YouTube with me so we can get you ready to step back into the world on the right foot when this season of social distancing is over. Let’s create your visual vision statement and get through this together!