Originally aired on 680 News Radio
December, 2011
Irene Preklet: Most of us make personal New Year’s resolutions, but what about resolutions related to our work? Adriana Girdler is the President of CornerStone Dynamics, a company that deals with business process and efficiency. She says “businesses should look at 3 Top Corporate Resolutions.”
Adriana Girdler:
- Benching-marking your Current State
- Re-evaluating your Vision and Mission Statements
- Focusing on Meeting Management.
Irene Preklet: Why is this something companies should do?
Adriana Girdler: The reason why the focus is on this is because we have to look at the bigger picture and that is the “corporate inefficiency” that we are experiencing today.
It is interesting because inefficiency has always existed. In good times we were not really noticing them, because you could throw time, money and resources at the problem or the project. Inefficiencies have been highlighted ever since the economic crisis of 2008. Companies have down sized and there was no change in their working habits.
As a result, organizations are having less people in the organization and still performing tasks that require more people to do the work. This creates frustration upon the part of the employees. There is a loss of productivity and inefficiencies.
That is why we are really looking at “What it is that you can do to turn this around so you can be more of a profitable organization. This includes looking at that from a corporate resolution stand point.”
Irene Preklet: Girdler says “Companies need to look at things from a different perspective.”
Adriana Girdler: We always do a New Year’s resolution for ourselves, but we tend not to for our own corporations. Companies are wonderful at planning in regards to their customers’ needs, what their business and brand plans are, but what they tend to forget to do is look internally. Looking internally, to find out what is it that we can do and put together a plan or resolution to assist us in those business and brand plans.
What are your company’s New Year’s resolutions? Feel free to leave a comment below or shout out to us on Facebook or Twitter. Of course, you could always write your own blog post on the subject and share it with us… We’d love to read it!