3 Big Business Hacks for Small Business Success

Mike Girdler

Small business think like big business Just because your small business is not a Fortune 500 company, yet, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from some …

Small business think like big business

small-business-hacksJust because your small business is not a Fortune 500 company, yet, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from some of the things successful big businesses do. Here are 3 lessons from big business that small businesses can use for greater success.

#1 Vision Statements – Do you ever notice when you walk into a big company one of the first things you see is their company vision statement? Big companies know that vision statements serve a very important purpose. As Adriana Girdler points out in her book, The Value of Vision, “the vision statement is what we do and why we do it.” Additionally, an organization’s vision statement offers a myriad of benefits. It acts as an inspiring, unifying and directive force for employees, customers – everyone. It lets everyone know what you are all about and where you are going. Smaller businesses can take advantage of these same benefits by developing and displaying a company vision statement.

#2 Strategic Planning – Raise your hand if you’ve heard this before, “we’re too busy to do strategic planning.” What’s the old saying, by failing to plan you are planning to fail. Big companies develop strategic plans, and use them in their day-to-day operations. The strategic plan establishes the link between the company vision statement and over-arching strategic goals. The strategic plan defines how an organization will reach those goals. It outlines the objectives, strategies, tactics, and measurements that will be employed. As a smaller business, take the time to develop a strategic plan – you will get the time you invested in its development back. Once your plan is developed, you will benefit from having activities planned, focused, and you can eliminate needless busy work and fire-fighting. The strategic plan ensures everything your small business is doing is contributing to the company vision and success.

#3 Advisory boards – For some small business owners the idea of creating an advisory board may never enter their mind. However, an advisory board can offer many of the same benefits big business derive from their board of directors, without the fiduciary duties, etc., that can help a company grow and become more successful. Small companies can leverage advisory board member’s expertise, and gain insight, input and feedback on strategic plans, marketing strategies, financial and personnel decisions – in short, every aspect of the business.  Again, like developing a strategic plan establishing an advisory board will take time, but getting the right people with the right experience will pay big dividends for your small business.

The main objective of every small business is to continue to grow and be more successful. To move this objective along think like a big business and apply the development and use of a company vision statement, a strategic plan, and tap into the expertise of an advisory board.

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Michael Girdler is a vice-president, CornerStone Dynamics Inc. His blogs focus on all things project management. Throughout Mike's career, he has invested deeply into projects involving sales, marketing, training and development, continuing education, and communications environments.

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